Dr. Sureeporn Punpuing, Dr. Dusita Phuengsamran, Dr. Aree Phrommoh and Ms. Pattraporn Chuenglertsiri participated in the workshop on Europe-South East Asia migration to build academic exchanges and research partnerships between Institute for Population and Social Research Mahidol
13/03/2016 - 23/03/2016

Dr. Sureeporn Punpuing, Dr. Dusita Phuengsamran, Dr. Aree Phrommoh and Ms. Pattraporn Chuenglertsiri participated in the workshop on Europe-South East Asia migration to build academic exchanges and research partnerships between Institute for Population and Social Research Mahidol, Sussex, National University Singapore (Dr. Brenda Yeoh) and Humboldt Berlin (Dr. Magdalena Nowicka). Specifically, on 17th March, the Sussex-Mahidol Migration Partnerships was launched officially. The events was also participated by Emeritus Professor Prof. Ronald Skeldon of the University of Sussex.

mahidolmigrationcenter.com - Revised: Jul 12, 2023
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