Research and Development Project on Survey and Estimates of Housing Demand for Migrant Workers in Thailand during the 12th National Economic and Social Development Plan (2017-2021) for the ASEAN
29/03/2015 - 31/03/2015

Research and Development Project on Survey and Estimates of Housing Demand for Migrant Workers in Thailand during the 12th National Economic and Social Development Plan (2017-2021) for the ASEAN Community was funded by the National Housing Authority, Thailand from November 2014 – October 2015.  After the research instruments were drafted,  Professor Pramote  Prasartkul, Professor Aphichat  Chamratrithirong, Dr.Bhubate  Samutachak and the Research Team went to Myanmar to carry out the fieldwork during 15-17 March, 2015 and went to Cambodia during 29-31 March, 2015. - Revised: Jul 12, 2023
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